Staking Mechanism
Users can stake GRT to the core contract to mint wstGRT in real-time. The protocol operator will regularly stake GRT from the core contract to The Graph protocol through the delegator contract. Each time GRT is staked to The Graph through a delegator, 0.5% of GRT is destroyed. For more information about the delegator, please refer to The Graph Protocol Documentation. The operator will distribute GRT as evenly as possible to the 29 delegators. Why do we need 29 delegators? The mechanism of TheGraph protocol stipulates that a delegator needs to wait for 28 days from undelegate to withdraw, and each undelegate will reset the withdraw waiting time.
To simplify the complexity of the protocol, the Gstake protocol stipulates that each delegator will only stake to one indexer, and the selection of the indexer will be decided by voting through DAO in the future. Each indexer has a delegation capacity, so Gstake will also have a maximum staking limit.
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